To create an ABC report, click on ABC Report from the home screen and click confirm.
The report will open and you simply complete the fields, starting with the student
name, which will auto-complete based on the first few letters you type.
If you are starting a report but want to come back to it later, it can be saved as a draft as long as you have the student name entered and you click the save draft button at the bottom. This is a good way to keep track of specific times that behaviors occur as the start time is automatically logged.
To complete a report, first, select the student from the dropdown menu.
To (re)enter start and end times for the behavior, select edit. Select the date the behavior occurred and select OK. Select the hour and minutes of the behavior, then select ok. Be sure to Choose AM or PM as needed and select ok.
Follow the rest of the prompts to complete the form, selecting the antecedent, behavior and consequence and at the bottom select Save draft or submit report if complete.
It is important to note that admin can see a report in progress in order to know the current situation and provide support but only once the “save draft” button has been selected. Also, to be noted is that the form can still be edited even after it is submitted as a final report but only by the teacher creating the report.
Creating an Intervention report is very similar.
Click on Intervention from the home screen and click confirm.
Follow the rest of the prompts to complete the form and select "Save Draft" or "Submit Report" if complete.